Sonnie Trotter

Jučer je Sonnie Trotter ponovio smjer koji se rijetko penje, Ambrosia (8a+). On je drugi penjač koji je popel taj smjer od kad je pukel jedan ključan grif za nogu. Nakon 15 godina i puknuča grifa Enzo Oddo je bio prvi, a sve ukupno 4-ti penjač koji je popel taj smjer. Autor smjera je Kevin Joreson (Five Ten) koji je popel smjer direktno po Južnoj strani Grandpa peabody boldera.


Sonnie se javil e-mailom uredniku Five Tena i evo kaj je napisal.
"Sent Ambrosia yesterday!   So stoked.  It's been a bit of a dream climb for a few years now.   I think it's a bit harder than it was for sure, probably V12 now that the big foothold is gone.  Much harder than all the other V11's I've done here, but I'm a horrible boulderer so who knows?   What a line, high, scary, quite hard, and absolutely STUNNING.  It's the type of climb you just have to step up for,  I'm glad I did it.  I wore the Blanco's for precision edging, and they (as they always do), delivered again.  Trying Luminance today.  Best Wishes.


izvor: Five Ten