
Na blogu Nalle Hukkataival piše o njegovom prvom usponu na smjer Circus Elephant Syndrome 8B+ u Finskoj. Evo kaj je Nalle rekao nakon kaj je popel 8b+: "In my opinion 8B+ is HARD and I intend to keep my line with the 8C grade, which I still view as cutting-edge until something a notch above the current bouldering level gets climbed. However, the way 8C has been shifting again lately, this grade may not correspond too well. Either way, Circus Elephant Syndrome is likely the hardest boulder problem in Finland and a world-class shoulder strength testpiece! I'm very psyched that I finally got it done!!!"

Nalle Hukkataival je popel ove jeseni rekordnih 27 boldera ocjene 8a i teže, uključujući i 13 prvih uspona. Nalle je aktivni natjecatelj od 2008 godine, 2005 je zauzeo #5 mjesto na svjetskom prvenstvu, a 2007 je osvojio srebro na Europskom prvenstvu.

izvor: 8a.nu